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    首頁 / 關于我們/ 會場信息

    2017 Auto Mechanika SHANGHAI Exhibition

    1970-01-01 - 1970-01-016.1F59

    Guangzhou SHUNLI Machine Co., Ltd is the leader manufacturer in Southern of China, specialized in post lift and scissor lift only, accumulated more than 12 years production experience, a very professional and powerful company.


    2017 Auto Mechanika SHANGHAI Exhibition hold on 29th Nov.-2th Dec. We have booked the second largest booth in the whole hall say 200 square meters. Here is our lay out:


    2017 Auto Mechanika SHANGHAI Exhibition


    Waiting for you to visit our booth 6.1F 59.... To see the great time of SHUNLI


    Following is the samples display in the Exhibition:

    1. SHL-Y-J-35B

    2. SHL-Y-J-50CS

    3. SHL-Y-J-DW3.0A

    4. SHL-Y-J-DW3.0C

    5. CX30TC

    6. CD5040TCC

    7. SHL-Y-J-55DL

    8. C240L Electrical Release

    9. C250L Manual Release

    10. C240W Manual Release

    11. SHL-4-455D Pneumatic Release

    12. SHL-BG2000 Battery Charge Lifting Platform

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